We are excited to offer pessary fitting services at Shift Physiotherapy & Wellness. Pessaries are used as a conservative management option to treat symptoms of incontinence and prolapse.
Our Pessary Fitting Services
What is a Pessary?
A pessary is a removable medical-grade silicone device that goes into the vagina to support the internal pelvic tissues. Pessaries can treat symptoms of stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
Pelvic organ prolapse is when one or more of your pelvic organs slip down into the vaginal canal. Symptoms of prolapse are often described as heaviness, pressure or bulging inside the vagina. Stress urinary incontinence is the leakage of urine during events such as sneezing, coughing, jumping and lifting.
Pessaries come in many different shapes and sizes. At your initial pessary fitting appointment your physiotherapist will perform an internal examination and trial different shapes and/or sizes. Your physiotherapist will be able to recommend the appropriate pessary to meet your specific needs.
When it comes to symptom reduction, pessaries have about a 66% success rate. If a pessary works well for you it often can provide immediate symptom relief.
What Are The Risks of Pessary Use?
If a pessary fits well and you are able to adhere to the recommended follow up appointments and recommended pessary cleaning schedule, severe side effects are quite rare. The most common symptoms associated with pessary use include, mild cramping with initial use, increased vaginal secretions and very mild spotting.
If any spotting, pain or discomfort occurs with pessary use that is a sign to follow up with your physiotherapist to have your tissues assessed and/or to try a different size.
It is important to have medical contraindications to pessary use cleared by your physician prior to your fitting. Local estrogens, which are prescribed by physicians, can also provide support to your tissues to reduce the risk of adverse effects if you are peri or postmenopausal.
The likelihood of serious complications from pessary use can be reduced by appropriate follow up care.

Pessary Clinic